7 Of The Most Advanced Robots

7 Of The Most Advanced Robots

Robotics is progressing at an amazing rate, with new robots and robots that outdo others being developed all the time. Of course they are made for different reasons, some to carry out mundane tasks in workplaces, some are being developed for search and rescue missions and others to interact with people. There are seven that stand out above the rest, but even these will have had newer, more update versions made, or the new models will be work in progress.

HRP 4 – Kawada Industries Inc.

HRP 4 is a life size humanoid robot used for research and development. Made in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, it has a lighter and slimmer body than earlier versions. It has an increased amount of freedom in both arms allowing it to handle a larger diversity of objects. HRP 4 can stand on one leg, pour drinks, strike a pose and respond to human commands.

SpotMini – Boston Dynamics

A newer sleeker version of SpotMini was released in the last few months. It is considered to be the best of the four-legged robots and is able to deal with all types of terrain. SpotMini can walk, trot, climb stairs and deal with rocks without a problem. It can move backwards if need be, and can pick itself up if it is knocked over. Intended for search and rescue missions, to go where you would not want to send humans, the developers say its size makes it ideal for anyone’s home or office.

Atlas – Boston Dynamics

Atlas was first unveiled in 2013 and since then there have been several upgrades. The latest Atlas can operate inside or outside and can walk over most terrains, including snow. It has LIDOR and stereo sensors in its head that allow it to navigate, avoiding obstacles. It can manipulate and handle objects, even if they are being moved. If it is jostled or pushed over, it can get up again. The most impressive thing with the newer model is that it can jump from one box to another and do a 180 degree turn while in mid-air. Atlas can also perform a back flip.

Asimo – Honda

Honda began the development of Asimo in the 1980’s and unveiled the first version in 2000. Since then it has progressed in leaps and bounds. It can recognise moving objects, make gestures and poses and is able to understand sounds and faces. These abilities mean it can interact with humans, and is able to distinguish between different voices. Japan is ahead with technology for robots that can interact because of their aging population, which is becoming a big problem for them. They are putting a lot of effort into making robots that will talk to the elderly, and that remember past conversations. They say this is because research as shown that often older people are happier to talking to a robot, as they do not judge them.

Valkyrie – NASA

Considered to be a robot for space, Valkyrie is seen as the first step towards the human colonisation of Mars. NASA initially only made four robots, one of which it kept for its own research and development, and the others were sent to Northeastern University, MIT and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland on research loans. NASA developed all the hardware, and these other institutions are working on higher capabilities.

Valkyrie from NASA

Cassie – Agility Robotics

Cassie is capable of many agile feats, which has allowed the designers to try new things that were impossible with previous robots. It is envisaged that in the future Cassie may be used for delivering packages, assisting with the elderly or helping emergency crews in dangerous situations.

Method 2 – Hankook Mirae Technology

Method 2 is 13 foot tall and weighs 1.5 tons. While it is the size that has grabbed everyone’s attention, its creators say the core achievement is the technology they were able to develop and improve while building it. The makers are researching how a robot can be used to solve problems in the real world.

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