The PR2 is a mobile manipulation platform built by Willow Garage. The PR2 software system is written entirely in ROS. As such, all PR2 capabilities are available via ROS interfaces. Personal robot applications enable people to make themselves more productive at home and at work. PR2 combines the mobility to navigate human environments and the dexterity to grasp and manipulate objects in those environments.

PR2 allows you to concentrate on your specific field, while taking advantage of the work of specialists in other areas. The PR2 hardware platform and 1000+ software libraries enable you, as a member of the community, to focus on new capabilities. The common platform also lets you easily share your research results in a way that is reproducible.

The PR2 is an open platform. You can change the system to meet your needs at any level. PR2 is designed to be durable so that you can experiment with new ideas and applications directly on the robot.

A new PR2 model, is called – PR2 SE. There’s something quite distinct about this model. The PR2 SE is a single-armed robot with an updated sensor suite. The PR2 SE is priced at $285,000. As with the dual-armed PR2 model, an additional 30% discount is offered to individuals with a proven track record of contributions to the open source community.While more limited in capability than its dual-arm sibling, we expect the PR2 SE will increase the market by allowing more scientists and engineers to explore the innovative capabilities for personal robots at a much faster pace.


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