

TUlip has been designed and realized in 2009 by the Eindhoven University of Technology in cooperation with the Delft University of Technology, the University of Twente en Philips. The TUlip robot was created to participate in the teensize league of Robocup.

TUlip is a Humanoid robot that can walk on two legs! It has six degrees of freedom for each leg: three for the hip, one for the knee and two for the ankle. The robot is 125 centimeters tall, weighs approximately 25 kilograms, and has two legs with each six degrees of freedom. TULip’s body consists of black anodized aluminum components, protected by body armor make of soft foam and a tough aramid composite material. This makes the robot very light in weight and robust.

TULip is designed to be as efficients as possible. The 24V lithium polymer battery pack enables the robot to walk for about half an hour. TULip’s “brain”is a 1 GHz single board computer with 256 Mb RAM. It allows the robot to function completely autonomously.


The TUlip plays during the RoboCup tournaments against other humanoid robots, he plays in the adult size. Because this robot is very expensive to make, the games in this league only shoot penalties. The robot must then prove that he is a good keeper and a good scorer.

~ Olga

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