RoboHon. Cute robot – smartfon

RoboHon. Cute robot – smartfon

In the first half of 2016, Japanese geeks will be able to buy quite unique smartfon in the form of a robot – or maybe a robot that works also like a smartfon?

Sharp’s RoboHon was presented at Ceatec in Japan on Oct. 6, 2015. The device is a mix of a robot and a smartfone. 20 cm high figure have a camera, projector and, on its back, an LCD screen. Also the mic, speaker and facial and voice recognition system.

In a demonstration at the Ceatec, the robot responded to instruction to place a call to a person, take a pic and display the pic through the projector. The device can also communicate with the owner and make some kind of interaction. One of the interaction it can accomplish, was responding to the owner and sustain a conversation about landscape. Sharp, has not confirmed if the device has such sophisticated artificial intelligence to be actually able to argue with the owner.

Unlike normal smartphone, RoboHon, can also do a dance.

According to Tomotaka Takahashi, CEO of robot development company RoboGarage, RoboHon can be practical

Our smartphone is practical, most of the use is for fun, but we treat it as practical. I think RoboHon is similar.

– he said before affirming that he can imagine using the RoboHon—but not giving up his iPhone either.

Would You like to give the RoboHon a try?

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