Atlas – well balanced humanoid robot

Atlas – well balanced humanoid robot

Walking upright without any problems with balance? For almost 1,80 m android this kind of task should not be easy, but for latest version of Atlas it is a piece of cake.

Atlas can open doors, hike through snow and stack boxes. Punched in the chest with a hockey stick, Atlas catched his balance before tumbling.

First version of Atlas was developed and unveiled to the public in 2013. According to Wikipedia:

Atlas is intended to aid emergency services in search and rescue operations, performing tasks such as shutting off valves, opening doors and operating powered equipment in environments where humans could not survive.

The new version of Atlas is not only more balanced but also resemblance human a little bit more.  Previous 150 kg of weight was reduced to average 80 kg of human weight – so now, Atlas is no longer bone crushing equipment.

And by the way – don’t feel bad about designers hitting stuff out of Atlas’ hands and pushing him around – it is just to test its compensation systems. Basically each hit makes him stronger.

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