Will You lose Your job because of robots?

Will You lose Your job because of robots?

Millions of low –paid workers replaced by robots. That can be pretty scary news. Who will lose job first? Whose job robots and androids can do better?
Boston Consulting Group predicts that by 2025, up to a quarter of jobs will be replaced by either smart software or robots, while a study from Oxford University has suggested that 35% of existing UK jobs are at risk of automation in the next 20 years. Whose job is at risk of automation in the next two decades most?

1. Taxi driver

Automated taxi pods will start running in 2016 on the streets of England’s Milton Keynes, offering rides around the town. We can be sure, that taxi would be much more cheaper if we could avoid paying “for other dude in the car”.

2. Factory Workers

In China’s Dongguan factory city, the first robot-only factory already exist. Last half of year ended in Dongguan by replacing more than 30.000 workers in over 500 factories. Foxconn, maker of electronic devices such as Apple’s iPhone plans to switch 30% human workforce for robots in the next five years.

3. Journalist

Corporate earnings reports and sport stories are already written by AI. Companies such as Narrative Science offer software such as Quill that is able to take data and turn it into something understandable. Narrative Science chief scientist Kristian Hammond has previously said that in 15 years’ time, 90% of news will be written by machines but, he told the BBC, that didn’t mean that 90% of journalist jobs would go. As he said:

The journalists will not be generating stories from data. That unambiguous, not-open-to-interpretation stuff will be done by machines.

4. Doctor

IBM’s supercomputer Watson is teaming up with a dozen hospitals in the US, offering advice on the best treatments for a range of cancers. Using vision software developed by the firm, it is also helping to spot early-stage skin cancers. Robots may not replace doctors entirely, but can be very helpful. For instance, robots assist doctors with keyhole kidney surgery. Speed is a crucial factor in the success of such operations and the robots are able to sew blood vessels connecting donor kidneys far more quickly than humans.
We also wrote about robot who makes doctor visit less terrifying for kids.

5. Waiter / bartender

Last month we wrote about first hotel with androids. Now we want introduce to you robotic bar – Shakr Makr – a machine developed at MIT. The robotic arm mixes the cocktail and pours it into a plastic (to avoid breakages) glass that sits in a trough (its pouring skills aren’t always precise). Drinks can be ordered via a tablet device and users aren’t limited to a set menu – they can, if they are brave enough, create their own cocktail. Of course, robotic arm will not listen to Your sad stories…

Source: bbc.com

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