Replacing Tax People with Robots
You should perhaps feel sorry for tax people. No one likes them very much because of the job they do. Their friends tend to be other tax people as everyone
Competiton for The Japanese Robots to Help the Elderly, Stevie 11
It is not just the Japanese that are developing robots to work in care homes or to live with the elderly and disabled people. Engineers at Trinity College, Dublin in
Can We Control Killer Robots?
Autonomous weapons are cheap to produce, and they can be fast. Often referred to as killer robots there is some concern about their ability to value human life. Many people
The Updated Handle From Boston Dynamics
Back in 2017, Boston Dynamics unveiled the first version of Handle. Although it had legs with what looked like knees bent backward, it also had wheels for its feet. The
Say Hello to The Tomato Picking Robots
Robots are being used for so many exciting things in this world. They are being developed for search and rescue, for medical use, as carers, in industry and, unfortunately for