Up until now owning a robot with true humanoid flexibility, balance, and movement has been outside the price range of the average consumer. Typically costing $1000 or more for an entry level package, the popular Robo-one robot series and others like it have been the sole domain of the hard core hobby roboticist. Tomy has decided to change all that with it’s terrifically fun, talented, and tiny i-Sobot robot.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, standing only 6.5 inches tall (16.5 cm), i-Sobot is the world’s smallest mass produced humanoid robot.

The i-SOBOT is a toy robot that will perform your commands and is able to react in unpredictable, yet amusing ways. Its abilities vary from carrying your beer can to shooting an arrow and even shooting a handmade bazooka at a predetermined target. The amazing thing is its wonderful precision.

This 6.5 inch robot is remote controlled and also reacts to your programmed voice commands. The first time I saw the video, I laughed at this little thing. It actually seems as if the robot is craving some attention and in order to get it will do anything that may normally embarrass any of us. The i-Sobot comes fully assembled and ready to play right out of the box.

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